Sent out in uncertain times – a message that may be rejected – a message that might be controversial - how will people reaction? – what challenges might there be? – It is necessary to be prepared – to always leave with preparation – bring extra equipment, what if something fails? Bring extra food, the trip my take longer than expected. Bring some money, there may be unexpected expense – Do not just plan for what is expected but bring extra as well – this is all part of a well a well-planned mission. Something you might expect for the sending of the 72.
So, Jesus does none of that… Not only are the 72 disciples not bringing extra food, they do not bring any all. No extra sandals, no money bag – This does not seem to be a well-planned mission – And he tells them to greet no one on the way – this hardly seems good protocol when the mission is the proclaiming that - "The Kingdom of God is at hand” – where is the PR campaign to get things ready? The planning committee, the budget committee?
Nothing of the 72 disciples mission seems to be well planned. It really is sending Lambs among wolves. A poor plan, poor preparation and a controversial message to top it all off – why would Jesus send his disciples out like this?
Perhaps, in part, this is about the providence of God – Jesus knew how things would go, and sent them off, and it ended well. However, confidence in God’s providence does not mean ignoring the need to plan or activity choosing to do something the foolish way. - Christ knew that the 72 disciples would be fine, but that is does not explain why the strict instruction to bring no food, or money, or sandals.
Part of the plan might have been a lesson in faith – trust in God, he will provide and protect. Yes, the disciples were going out with a controversial message and might be rejected – they truly would be Lambs among wolves - but trust in God. When rejected, just shake off the dust of that town, and move one. God will handle the rest. – Again, this is true, but faith does entail avoiding reasonable plans or taking precautions – faith does not mean abandoning reason or prudence. The question remains, why did Jesus tell his disciples not to bring anything?
What else might there be? – What might be the reason for Jesus instructions – … - How does Jesus introduce the mission of the 72? “The Harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few” – A farmer at harvest is determined to get the crop into the barn as fast as possible. The worst case for a farmer- plant, cultivate, and see the bountiful fruits, and fail to complete the harvest – watch winter crush their crop – or fire burn through them, floods wipe them away – the harvest is urgent. – all speed is necessary - so also - the mission is urgent! What does Jesus’ instructions bring for the mission of the 72? Speed – Not caring money, or food, or extra sandals – The 72 travel light – they can leave fast – no need to spend time preparing. Traveling light –without burdens they can travel faster – speed is of the essence. Do not stop on the road, time is key, move quick, move fast – why? - the harvest is urgent -The mission is urgent – no time for delay. “The kingdom of God is at Hand!” and if the message is rejected? Well, the proclamation becomes a warning, the kingdom of God is at Hand. The mission remains.
It has been 2000 years – and here we are. To start a new program, it takes gathering a committee, having budget meetings and council meetings. Get approval, make a case for why it is necessary or helpful. There is wisdom in all these things, and there is no running an organization without them – but the Urgency of the kingdom remains, the importance of the mission remains.
Here we are at this Mass, we experience a foretaste of heaven – here, on this altar, will be nothing other than the body blood soul and divinity of Christ, – we receive him physically – St Therese described receiving communion as all of the joys of heaven entering her heart – that when someone receives the Eucharist, “heaven itself” is in their souls. The kingdom is present - but how many are not here? Who is missing? It is a small minority that has come to Mass this morning (evening).
Some have never heard the message of Christ, even here in Brattleboro. Others have heard but have never been asked to come, not just to Mass, but any event of faith. Some just to not know the importance and do not come. Others have questions, but do not where to ask. Others are confused by scandals, and just stay away. Many who do not come have not rejected anything - The mission of the gospel is as timely as ever – it is as urgent as ever.
And this mission flows right of the Mass. At the end of Mass, there the dismissal which we are all familiar with, which, in Latin, is traditionally Ite Missa Est, typically translated, go forth, the mass is ended. Missa comes from Missio, were we get the word mission, literally, the sending or the mission. Very literally the dismissal from Mass is “Go! The sending is!” Or “Go! The Mission is!” Sent on a mission with urgency – can we have the urgency in our mission as Christians, to proclaim the gospel?