"Children always have their mothers name on their lips, and they call her whenever they are in danger, fright, or difficulty. O sweet Mother, O loving Mother, you want me, like a child, to call upon you always and to have unceasing recourse to you..." ~Divine Intimacy, The Marian Life
"Children always have their mothers name on their lips, and they call her whenever they are in danger, fright, or difficulty. O sweet Mother, O loving Mother, you want me, like a child, to call upon you always and to have unceasing recourse to you..." ~Divine Intimacy, The Marian Life
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Over the last several weeks I have received a number of communications expressing concerns about the recent changes to and enforcement of U.S. immigration laws and I have also been […]
The post...
My dear family in Christ, When I was ordained a priest in 1989, I was one of 120 active priests of the Diocese of Burlington. I was blessed to serve […]
The post Musings with Bishop McDermott...
Here is a seeming contradiction of the New Testament, given with the caution that prayer is just as important for this topic as catechesis, for it has been a sore […]
The post “The greatest of these...
For this Jubilee Year, the church has been given a beautiful, multilingual hymn entitled Pilgrims of Hope. If you participate in any Jubilee events, whether local or international, you will […]
My dear family in Christ, I just completed a wonderful 10-day journey around the state in celebration of National Catholic Schools Week. I was blessed to offer Mass and visit […]
The post Musings...